

Bushfire.io | Alpha | A bushfire map
This website collates data from various sources such as RFS NSW, ESA, BOM and NASA. Please note that it is still under development and data may not be accurate.

Listen to ABC 666 for up to date bushfire updates
NSW Rural Fire Service
ACT Emergency Services Agency
Smiths Road Rural Fire Brigade

Fires Near Me NSW
Fires Near Me Website
Download App for Android on Google Play
Download App for iOS on Apple Store

MetEye (localised weather information)
Type in your suburb, when it refreshes click on details to get wind direction and speed.

Bureau of Meteorology Satellite
Satellite imagery updated every 15 minutes (see what the clouds are doing and where they are going – click play).

Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Images
Information about satellite data.

Bureau of Meteorology Satview (lightning strikes are available here)
Remember that this can be up to 14 hours old.

Digital Earth Hot Spots
Remember that this can be up to 14 hours old.

For the more technically savvy:

https://earthdata.nasa.gov/earth-observation-data/near-real-time/firms – despite the name, this uses MODIS, which is updated every 12 hours (read as not very useful) however you can download data as a kml (google earth format) and view it in google earth.
https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/web-services/ This data is available as a web service – if you don’t know what this means, don’t bother.

If you want some help understanding any of this contact Vivienne at vivienne.bordas@bom.gov.au.